Training, Validation Evening

The next Safety and Safeguarding course is at Greenford HQ on Sat 22nd July, contact Alison at to book your place.

Congratulations to the following who have been awarded their Wood Badge since St George’s Day:  Margaret Sullivan, Stephen Plume, Rebecca Spencer, Vivienne Sheard.

Validation Evening

The next Validation Evening will be on Tuesday 4th July, 19:00-22:00 at 1st Eastcote, Cheney Street – please park in one of the roads nearby, no parking in the grounds.  Please contact Alison if you have a lot of validation to get through so we can be sure there will be enough training advisors –

If you just want to pop in for a chat about something, find out about and book training, meet other leaders, order uniform, etc. then please do.
